Card Oracle Carmen

The game board of this Wahrsage-Orakel-Spiel „Carmen“ (Card Oracle Carmen), together with 9 small metal balls, is laid under a piece of wood with a circular opening under glass. It displays the 32 cards of a French-suited pack (Wüst House Pattern, variant with the same figures in all suits), arranged arbitrarily in 4 rows. Beneath each card is a little whole. Moving the game lets the balls roll into the wholes, and the rules then provide the appropriate prophecy. Patented game (D.R.G.M. und D.R.P.a.)

310241 Kölner Verlagsanstalt (Cologne publishing institute), Cologne. Design: Karl Voigt, Schildergasse 43-45, Cologne. Color line block. 116x116 m. Circa 1909. Damaged illustrated OBox, leaflet of rules (torn, repaired with tape), slightly worn.  


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