A year with the handbrake on
Our blue miracle
Now the year 2021 is coming to an end. Another one of those years we navigated with the handbrake on. Because wherever we wanted to go - there were stop signs everywhere. No fairs, no markets, no collector meetings. Too bad, too bad...
Also no lively exchange over the counter. And we had just opened our "Blue Wunderkammer". But even the tourists, who were expected by vineries and restaurants here on the beautiful Moselle, remained hesitant.
Unwelcome visit from the Moselle
Quite in contrast to the Moselle. In the middle of the summer, it could not be stopped and overflowed its banks with its legs wide open. We do not want to complain. The Ahr was hit much harder. But the effort with friends and family in the vineyard Freiherr von Landenberg, with which we and our vineyard are closely connected, was also not without.
Salon du Livre in Colmar 2022
All in all, we are not discouraged and assume that we will be present at the next "Salon du livre" in Colmar. Whether it will work out this time, only the gods know. In any case, we are prepared and look forward to finally seeing you (again).
Come well into the New Year 2022
Take good care of yourself so that you will be spared viruses of any initial in the coming year. And should you ever need a change of air, then make your way to Ediger-Eller on the Moselle and visit us. You won't need rubber boots up here at Bergstraße 2. That much is certain.
Best regards from Angela Joschko and Jean Darquenne